
Stock Management
Manage Single & Variable products, Classify products according to Brands, Category, Sub-Category. Add products having different units. Add SKU number or auto-generate SKU number with prefixes. Get stock alerts on low stocks. The system will auto calculate selling price based on purchase price and profit margin.

Sales with POS Terminal
Simplified interface for selling products, Default Walk-In-Customer automatically added to a business, Add new customer from POS screen, Ajax based selling screen – save reloading time, Mark an invoice for draft or final, Different options for payments, Customize invoice layout and invoice scheme.

Easily add purchases. Add purchase for different locations. Manage Paid/Due purchases. Get Notified of Due purchases week before the pay date. Add discounts & Taxes

Expense Management
Easily add business expenses, Categorise expenses, Analyse expenses based on category and business locations with expenses report.

Interactive Reports
Purchase & Sale report. Tax Report. Contact Reports. Stock Reports. Expense Report. View Trending Products, drill down by Brands, Category, Sub-category, Units and date ranges.

Production Management
Creating Recipe. Production Cost. Adding Production.

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Suppliers & Customers
Customer & Supplier Ledgers, Advance Balance, Opening Balance, Customer Groups. Credit Notes

Leave Management, Payroll, Attendance

WoocCommerce Integration

Digital Catalogue
It is a new way of sharing the menu & showing products in restaurant & retail shops respectively.

Restaurant Management
Kitchen Order receiver, Table Management, Reservation

Project Management
Invoices, Quotations, Email Notifications.

Followup. Leads. Campaigns. Contact Login. Proposal. Report.
POS for Retail
User Interface 0
Stock Management 0
Hardware Compatible 0

Access on all devices
and displays
Since it's a web app, it will work perfectly on any device' web browsers.