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693/2 Avissawella Road
Wellampitiya, Sri Lanka
+94 (0) 755 5580 55

Adding Suppliers & Customers

  1. Goto Contacts -> Suppliers or Customer
  2. Click on add new contact. Select contact type – Supplier/Customer/Both
  3. Based on the contact type selected –  it will show the relevant fields. Fill the relevant details.
  4. Click on More More Information button to see more field.
  5. Pay Terms: This will help the system to notify you of any pending payments for suppliers & customers. You can specify pay term in either days or months.
  6. Customer Group: Read details here.
  7. Credit Limit: This is the maximum amount of credit that can be given to the customer. If in any sales the credit exceeds this amount then it won’t allow selling on credit.
  8. Opening Balance: Opening balance of a customer or supplier before you start using UltimatePOS. So if there is any previous balance you can add here.
  9. Advance balance: Sometimes customer/supplier pay/takes money in advance. This wil show the amount of advance balance paid or take by the customer/supplier respectively.

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